IICA Recruitment 2019 for Associate Professor and Assistant Professor Posts

An Autonomous institution and been registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 Candidates who desire to work on a contract basis as Associate Professor and Assistant Professor in the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA) should send their applications by registered or speed post with passport size photograph and the copies of qualification, caste, experience, age, etc to the given address before 31-05-2019.

Name of the Posts:
Associate Professor Level-13 A (Academic)
[PB-4, Rs.37400-67000 + Grade
Pay Rs.9000 (pre-revised)]
Ph. D with 55% marks and 8 yrs experience

Assistant Professor Level-11 (Academic)
[PB-3, Rs.15,600-39,100+ Grade
Pay Rs.7000 (pre-revised)]
Ph. D with 55% marks and 3 yrs experience

Dates to Remember :
Due date of submission of duly completed application form: 31-05-2019.
Mode of Recruitment :
The Selection will be mainly based on Merit and taking into consideration the Marks obtained an interview.
Fee Structure :
No Forms fees. 
Procedure to Apply :
The application will only be received in the prescribed form. So all eligible candidates may send their print out of application along with all the requisite documents to the given address on or before: 31-05-2019. A passport size photo should be pasted on the application.
The envelope should be superscribed properly with the name of the post applied for: Associate Professor and Assistant Professor

Candidates desirous of applying for the aforementioned positions on Deputation/
Basis are advised to satisfy themselves that they fulfill the detailed instructions appended to this vacancy in the prescribed proforma along with requisite documents should
Administrative OfficerIndian Institute of Corporate Affairs,
(Ministry of Corporate Affairs)
Plot No.6, 7 & 8, Sector-5,
IMT Manesar, District-Gurugram -121 052 (Haryana)
; Fax: 0124-2291036

Important Links:
Official NotificationCLICK HERE
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